
Efficiency is the key as Ricardo Junior picks up his brand-new electric car

A long-time Splend customer, Ricardo Junior took the important step towards car ownership by switching from our Flexi plan to Flexi own.

Previously I was renting PCO car for Uber, but this way I’ll own my car at the end of the term and I might decide to sell it.

As Ricardo Junior first got the keys to his brand-new Hyundai IONIQ Electric we asked what attracted him to an electric car. Without hesitating, he said it was all about efficiency and cost savings.

It’s just so much more efficient on the road. Before, I couldn’t accept every trip, but now I can take every trip with Uber and Bolt and I don’t have to worry. It’s nice.

Moving forward, Ricardo Junior won’t need to think about what trips to accept, as he no longer needs to avoid the Congestion Charge zone to keep his expenses at bay.

When asked about his experience at Splend, Ricardo Junior was a glowing advocate for our service and support.

When I give the Splend staff a call they’re always very helpful, their service is amazing – everything is included, efficient, and fast with both their documentation and responding.

We also wanted to know if Ricardo Junior had any concerns about switching from a petrol-electric hybrid to an electric car, but those concerns were outweighed by the positives.

It is a change. It’s obviously easier to fill up at the petrol station, so now I’ll have to think a bit more about how I charge it. But in the long run it will be much more efficient, so I’m not concerned at all.

About Splend

We enable people to make money by driving. Our vision is a future where every on-demand driver can be successful.

We’re car subscription specialists. Don’t take our word for it—drivers rate us excellent on Trustpilot. We can set you up with a brand-new or new-model car on a Flexi own plan, plus we provide the training and support you need to become an Uber driver that’s more profitable, safer, and fulfilled.

Make an appointment and drop by our London Hub at 393 Edgware Road Cricklewood, Londonemail us, or say hello on 0333 016 4331

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Our flexible plans and Uber-approved cars make driving more accessible, without the hassle of car financing.

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Vanessa Parisi


Vanessa Parisi

all stories by: Vanessa Parisi
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