Mellville has been a rideshare driver for 15 years. He likes to keep up with the latest technology in terms of cars, so he wanted to switch to EVs. After visiting us, Melville was pleasantly surprised to find out the technology offered in the latest MG models and soon went home in an MG5 EV 

I had no idea MG makes such nice, modern EVs. My Customer Specialist recommended an MG when we first  spoke. I was skeptical because I associated this brand with the old cars they used to make. But when I saw the MG5 for the first time, I just fell in love with it. It’s so spacious that even behind a tall guy like me, there’s still plenty of legroom left for the passenger.

For Mellville, learning the best way to charge his car took him some time, but he has mastered it now and has some tips for EV drivers.  

The biggest challenge for me was charging my car. You know they say — ‘time is money’. So, I wanted to find the quickest way to charge my car. And I eventually did that and also learned a small trick to help preserve my battery life. Never charge it up to 100%, and don’t drive it with less than 20%. Always keep it between 20% and 80%, ideally. 

He joined Splend in 2019 after receiving a list of London car subscription companies from Uber.  

I called Splend to learn more about their  product, and that same day, I drove down to the MSC, signed the papers and started the contract. I didn’t have to think twice. You get to own the car after only four years for a very good weekly fare, and you have everything covered, from PHV insurance to maintenance and dedicated support.

Mellville recommends Splend to anyone who needs a car or want to know more about how to become an Uber driver.

I advise any driver to go for Splend’s Flexi own plan. It’s the best deal and includes everything you need to get on the road and earn. 

Melville has just a few more years until retirement and plans to continue driving. He likes this job and couldn’t imagine himself doing anything else. 

I love driving. After all these years, driving is part of me. Don’t get me wrong. Sometimes it can be hectic. The traffic is crazy, and people always seem to be rushing and running late. But I see it as a challenge, and that’s the fun of it.

About Splend

We enable people to make money by driving. Our vision is a future where every on-demand driver can be successful.

We’re car subscription specialists. Don’t take our word for it—drivers rate us excellent on Trustpilot. We can set you up with a brand-new or new-model car on a Flexi own plan, plus we provide the training and support you need to become an Uber driver that’s more profitable, safer, and fulfilled.

Make an appointment and drop by our London Hub at 393 Edgware Road Cricklewood, Londonemail us, or say hello on 0333 016 4331