Our monthly On-demand news – January 2022 summary pulls together the latest ridesharing and on-demand driving updates so you’re always on top of your game. Here’s what happened in On-demand news – January 2022.

Living with an electric car – The complete 2022 EV user guide

Although increasingly popular, there are still a lot of questions on the table about EVs. We put together some answers for you, including about how to drive it, charge it, and some useful vocabulary terms.
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Family man Almor is the winner of January’s Splend Customer Reward Program

Almor started out with ridesharing just when the pandemic hit. Two challenging years later, he’s thriving behind the wheel of his Toyota Corolla Hybrid and taking home a £500 reward for him and his family.
Read Almor’s story

7 tips to become a 5-star Uber driver

There’s a lot you can do to boost your Uber driver rating and keep it at the top, especially in a big city like London. Following a few tips and tricks and doing a little extra will go a long way with passengers, including upkeep, attitude, and driving skills.
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